
Showing posts from February, 2015

Breastfeeding: What's the big deal?

Well, it was a huge deal to me.  And I failed.  I was going to breastfeed no matter what. I prepared throughout my pregnancy by attending classes and reading articles on pushing through difficulties. I researched every aspect of breastfeeding. It is something I wanted for Emry's health, the bonding experience and to save money. Due to laboring so long I had a lot of fluid on my body .  I was told the fluid made my nipples more flat than they already were (I know, the word "nipple" is gross). I was determined not to give up.  I even told the doctor and nurses not to give her a bottle or pacifier to prevent nipple confusion.  I had read up on all manner of nipples & how women had overcome with different treatments. I had a great lactation consultant, she told me I had good technique but that my nips needed a little more help.  Even in immense pain I woke up in the hospital every 2 hours to feed   Emry . She would only latch fo...