These Nasty Toes
You know that saying, "moms can't run on fumes, you have to refuel or you'll stop running all together" (& will crash into a concrete wall-my concept). Well yesterday was one of those days where it felt like I was running on fumes. I just want to vow to myself right now to never forget how desperate moments can be with small children. To never forget that it wasn't easy. There hasn't been an easy day since the new addition has arrived. There has been less hard but never not hard. My refuel came when I had to wake my poor husband up early from sleeping (he's working nights) because both kids were screaming again & I just couldn't handle it any longer, especially on 3 hours of broken up sleep. I just couldn't. I refused to yell at my 2yr old any more for not listening to me. I refused to let my infant see me cry anymore as I fed him. So, as I'm streaming tears & getting dressed for my escape I see my toes. These nasty lookin...