5 Gross Habits of a Stay at Home Mom
#1. You smell bad & you don't care.
Sometimes maybe you wipe your arm pits with a wipe while changing the baby. You'll get around to showering or you have already & you've broken quite a sweat taking care of the baby! Work hard, smell bad. Isn't that how the saying goes?
#2. You're gonna floss next time you brush your teeth... every time.
At times you secretly wonder if your baby was fussy because she had to smell your bad breath in the middle of the night ... Or day.
#3. If you do get to shower you don't hardly wash your hair or shave.
Only if you're getting out of the house does your hair & face get attention. Your children need to know what natural beauty is anyway, right? Husband too... just trying this European thing honey!
#4. You're no longer afraid of substances the come out of your child's orifices.
That major booger/snot phobia of your younger days is no longer. Maybe you've even grabbed a bat out of your husband's cave before realizing it. Poop? No biggie. Projectile vomit? No sweat! You know not to put your shirt on until you are heading out the door & the baby is buckled in the car seat. Not your first rodeo!
#5. You don't put on real clothes.
T-Shirt & any bottoms that are stretchy is the main outfit choice! You may wear what you wore to bed last night all day & never feel guilty! Yoga pants are your BFF! The back of them are smeared with any substance you've have to dry off of your hands for the last 24 hours. You know to look presentable when it counts!
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